PDF Splitter Tool

Note: Pages are 1-based index. Ensure the pages entered are within the range of the PDF.

Introduction to PDF Splitting

Splitting PDF files is essential for managing large documents by separating them into smaller, more manageable pieces. This is particularly useful in various professional settings where document segmentation is necessary.

Steps to Split PDF Files:

  1. Select a PDF file by clicking the 'Choose File' button.
  2. Enter the pages or ranges you want to split into separate files (e.g., 1, 3-5, 7).
  3. Click 'Split PDF' to create new files with the specified pages.
  4. Download the split PDF files.

Why Split PDF Files?

  • Extract specific pages for focused review or sharing.
  • Reduce file size by removing unnecessary pages.
  • Facilitate easier document handling and distribution.

Advantages of Using Our Tool:

  • Free and user-friendly with no software installation required.
  • Works on all devices and platforms for accessibility.
  • Ensures privacy by processing files locally in your browser.

Security Notice:

Ensure the pages entered for splitting are within the range of the PDF. Incorrect page numbers will be ignored.

Common Use Cases:

  • Extracting pages for separate review or analysis.
  • Removing confidential pages before sharing a document.
  • Separating different sections of a report for focused presentation.

Additional Features:

  • Preview pages before splitting.
  • Split by range (e.g., 1-3, 5-7).
  • Option to split each page into a separate file.
  • Merge selected pages into a new file after splitting.
  • Save and load split configurations for repeated use.
  • Automatically generate table of contents for split files.
  • Reorder pages before splitting.
  • Batch split multiple files at once.
  • Include or exclude specific pages based on conditions (e.g., only even pages).

Tips for Effective PDF Splitting:

  • Ensure all necessary pages are included before splitting.
  • Check the order of pages if reordering before splitting.
  • Use high-quality PDF files for the best results.