RC4 and RC4Drop Encryption/Decryption Tool

RC4 is a stream cipher widely known for its simplicity and speed in software. It has been extensively used in various security protocols, including SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). However, vulnerabilities discovered over time, such as the non-randomness of its initial keystream bytes, have led to criticisms of its security. RC4Drop, a variant of RC4, addresses this by discarding an initial portion of the keystream, enhancing its security against certain attacks.

RC4 Encryption

RC4 Decryption


RC4, designed by Ron Rivest in 1987, quickly became a staple in various encryption protocols. Due to identified vulnerabilities, the RC4Drop variant was introduced, enhancing security by discarding initial keystream bytes.

How to Use

  1. Enter your text and secret key in the respective fields.
  2. For RC4Drop, specify the number of initial bytes to discard.
  3. Click "Encrypt" or "Decrypt" to see the output.

Use Cases

  • Prototyping and educational tools for encryption concepts.
  • Legacy system maintenance where RC4 is still in use.
  • Applications requiring a simple, yet modified encryption method for enhanced security.