Rabbit Encryption and Decryption Tool

Rabbit is a high-speed stream cipher that excels in software implementations on both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. It was designed with the aim of providing high performance, excellent security, and simplicity. Rabbit is part of the eSTREAM Portfolio and is considered suitable for widespread adoption due to its impressive throughput rates and security. It operates on 128-bit keys, ensuring robust encryption for a variety of applications.

Rabbit Encryption

Rabbit Decryption

Rabbit Encryption


Rabbit was developed by Cryptico A/S and became a part of the eSTREAM Portfolio after a rigorous selection process. It's recognized for its high speed and security, making it a preferred choice for encrypting data in real-time applications.

How to Use

  1. Input the text and the secret key for encryption or decryption.
  2. Click the "Encrypt" or "Decrypt" button to process the text.
  3. The result will be displayed accordingly.

Use Cases

  • High-performance data streaming encryption.
  • Secure communications for web and mobile applications.