DNS Lookup Tool

What is DNS Lookup?

DNS Lookup is a tool that retrieves the Domain Name System (DNS) records for a specified domain. DNS records provide information about the domain, such as the IP addresses associated with it, mail servers, and other essential details.

DNS Record Types

  • A: Maps a domain to an IPv4 address
  • AAAA: Maps a domain to an IPv6 address
  • CNAME: Canonical name record, used for aliasing domains
  • MX: Mail exchange record, specifies mail servers for the domain
  • NS: Name server record, specifies authoritative DNS servers for the domain
  • TXT: Text record, used for various purposes like email verification and domain ownership
  • SOA: Start of Authority record, provides administrative information about the domain
  • SRV: Service locator record, used to define the location of servers for specified services
  • PTR: Pointer record, used for reverse DNS lookups

Common Uses

  • Troubleshoot domain-related issues
  • Verify DNS configurations
  • Check the propagation of DNS changes
  • Gather information about a domain