Markdown to HTML and HTML to Markdown Converter

Markdown Syntax Reference


Headings are defined with one to six `#` characters at the start of the line. The number of `#` characters determines the level of the heading.

Bold and Italics

To make text bold, wrap it in double asterisks (`**bold**`). For italics, use a single asterisk (`*italic*`).


Unordered lists use asterisks, pluses, or hyphens (`* item`, `+ item`, `- item`). Ordered lists use numbers followed by periods (`1. item`).


Links are created with square brackets for the text and parentheses for the URL (`[test](`).


Images are similar to links but with an exclamation mark at the beginning (`![alt text](URL)`).


Blockquotes are created by placing a `>` character at the start of a line (`> This is a blockquote`).


Inline code is wrapped in backticks (`\`code\``). Code blocks are created by indenting lines by four spaces or wrapping the code in triple backticks (````code block````).

Use Cases

  • Transforming Markdown to HTML for web content.
  • Converting HTML back to Markdown for editing purposes.
  • Generating HTML for static sites from Markdown.

Why Convert Markdown and HTML?

Markdown is a simple syntax for formatting text, which is easily converted to HTML for web display. Conversely, converting HTML back to Markdown allows for simpler editing and readability. This tool facilitates both conversions seamlessly.


  • Select the conversion type from the dropdown.
  • Enter the Markdown or HTML text in the respective input field.
  • Click the convert button to see the output.
  • Copy the converted text using the copy button.