AES Encryption and Decryption Tool



Overview and Usage

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a widely used encryption algorithm that ensures the security of digital data. This tool provides a simple interface for encrypting and decrypting text using AES with various cipher modes and key sizes.

How to Use:

  1. Enter the text you want to encrypt or decrypt in the respective section.
  2. Provide the secret key and select the cipher mode and key size.
  3. If using CBC mode, provide the Initialization Vector (IV).
  4. Click the Encrypt or Decrypt button to process the text.
  5. The resulting encrypted or decrypted text will be displayed.

Common Use Cases:

  • Encrypting sensitive information before storing or transmitting it.
  • Decrypting received encrypted messages or files.
  • Securing data in web applications, databases, and cloud storage.

Benefits of AES Encryption:

  • Provides strong security for protecting sensitive information.
  • Widely accepted and used in various industries and applications.
  • Supports multiple key sizes and cipher modes for flexibility.

Why Use Our Tool?

  • User-friendly interface for easy encryption and decryption.
  • Supports both ECB and CBC modes with customizable key sizes.
  • Ensures high security and privacy for your data.

Security Considerations:

  • Always use a strong, unique key for encryption and decryption.
  • Keep your key and IV secure and do not share them publicly.
  • Consider using CBC mode for added security with an IV.