PDF Metadata Editor Tool

Introduction to PDF Metadata Editing

Editing PDF metadata is crucial for providing information about the document, such as the title, author, subject, and keywords. This is especially useful for organizing and retrieving documents efficiently.

Steps to Edit PDF Metadata:

  1. Select a PDF file by clicking the 'Choose File' button.
  2. View and edit the metadata fields: title, author, subject, keywords, producer, creator, creation date, and modification date.
  3. Click 'Update Metadata' to save the changes.
  4. Download the updated PDF file.

Why Edit PDF Metadata?

  • Enhance document organization and searchability.
  • Provide relevant information about the document's content and origin.
  • Improve document management in professional and personal settings.

Advantages of Using Our Tool:

  • Free and user-friendly with no software installation required.
  • Works on all devices and platforms for accessibility.
  • Ensures privacy by processing files locally in your browser.

Security Notice:

Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to edit the metadata of the PDF files you upload.

Common Use Cases:

  • Updating document details before sharing with colleagues or clients.
  • Organizing a library of PDF documents with relevant metadata.
  • Ensuring accurate information is embedded in documents for archival purposes.